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Statistics about HumHub usage (globally, in spaces and about users).

Statistics about HumHub usage (globally, in spaces and about users).


Charts and statistics for global admins, space admins and users.

Possibility to filter the date range, the data types and the spaces to analyze.

Global data:

  • Number of active user accounts, per day
  • Number of users who logged in, per day
  • Number of users who visited the platform, per day
  • Devices used to browse the platform, per week
  • Browsers used to browse the platform, per week
  • Activity (new content, comments, likes and reactions(1) in spaces and user profiles), per day
  • Activity between users (New private messages and friendships), per day
  • Reported content, per day

Space data:

  • Number of members, per day
  • Number of visitors, per day
  • Activity (new content, comments, likes and reactions(1)), per day
  • Reported content, per day
  • Average number of members, per space
  • Average number of daily visits, per space
  • Activity (new content, comments, likes and reactions(1)), per space

User data:

  • Activity (new content, comments, likes and reactions(1) in spaces and user profiles), per day
  • Activity between users (New private messages and friendships), per day
  • Last visit date
  • Last activity date (content, comment, likes and reactions(1))
  • Number of content, comments, likes and reactions(1) created
  • For admins allowed to manage users:
    • Reported content, per day
    • Number of private messages, friends and reported content
    • Latest browser used
    • Country from which he browses the platform

(1) If the "Reactions" module is installed.


You can allow group members, space roles, friends and users to view analytics in the permission settings.

Default settings:

  • Group for global data: system administrators
  • Roles for space data: administrators
  • Roles for user data: owner and friends


Only data from logged-in users is collected.

Only the necessary data is stored to avoid unnecessarily increasing the size of the database.

Caching is used to reduce the number of database queries.

Data privacy

This module records anonymous data on user visits to the platform and spaces, as well as the total number of members.

It also records user data such as browser, language, country of connection and date of last visit, but not the IP address.

Other data comes from HumHub core database.

GDPR-compliant. No data is shared with third parties.


  • €45 including one-year of updates and support
  • €25 each year for updates and support
  • Possible discount for non-profit organizations or countries with a very low median income

You can:

Support, questions & feature requests


Version 1 was partially funded by the Transition Movement.

Module Information

45 €
Latest version release:
2.3.0 - December 17, 2024
HumHub 1.12 - 1.17