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Chatter Forums

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Forums built for HumHub.

Chatter Module for HumHub

Chatter is a forums module developed for HumHub, providing a platform for engaging discussions and community interactions.


  • Forums Functionality: Enable users to create and participate in forum discussions.
  • Threaded Discussions: Organize discussions into threads for better navigation.
  • Rich Text Editor: Utilizes HumHub's richtext editor for a seamless content editing experience.
  • Locking Threads: Those with the permissions to manage forums are able to lock any threads created.
  • Permissions Management: Define user roles with granular permissions to manage forums and posts.
  • Mobile Optimization: Responsive design ensures a smooth experience on mobile devices.
  • Restful API: Chatter Forums comes with its own API built in and can be found in Developers


  • Access the Chatter module through the main navigation menu after installation.
  • Create forums and manage discussions within each forum.
  • Customize forum settings and permissions according to your community needs through user groups.

Module Information

69 €
Latest version release:
1.0.2 - July 30, 2024
HumHub 1.16.0 - 1.16