v1.1.2 (TBA)
- Enh: Button Display only if there are Tickets
- Fix: Hide Permalinks
- Fix: v1.16.0 depricated & removed code
v1.1.1 (1/30/2024)
- Fix: Some permissions issues
- Comment(s) on Tickets
- Enh: Notifications of comment(s) on Ticket
v1.1.0 (1/28/2024)
- Enh: Implement Ticket System
- Fix: hardDelete()
- Fix: timestamps and created_by
- Enh: Search Functinality
v1.0.0 (1/19/2024)
- Initial release of the FAQ module.
Module Information
Latest version release:
1.1.2 - May 6, 2024
HumHub 1.16.0 - 1.17