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Virus Scanner

Safeguard your community from malware and malicious threats, ensuring its safety and security.

Setup Virus Scanner Module

The Virus Scanner module currently supports two antivirus providers: ClamAV and Kaspersky Scan Engine. See below for installation instructions.


1. Manual Install

  1. Download ClamAV from the official website here.
  2. Install ClamAV as a daemon with the command clamd --daemon. Please refer to the official documentation here.

2. Docker Image

Install ClamAV using Docker:

docker run -d --name clamav
-v /your/local/folder:/usr/local/share/clamav
-p 3310:3310 clamav/clamav

For the Path to ClamAV scanner service use tcp:// path in module configuration.

Kaspersky Scan Engine

Kaspersky Scan Engine can be installed in two modes: HTTP (API v3.0) and ICAP Mode. Please refer to the official documentation here.


1. Load the image to the local Docker registry:

  • For HTTP mode:

    docker load -i kaspersky_scanengine_httpd.tar
  • For ICAP mode:

    docker load -i kaspersky_scanengine_icapd.tar

2. Verify the image is available in Docker:

docker images

The displayed list must contain the following images:

  • For HTTP mode:

  • For ICAP mode:


In the above list, %KSE_VERSION% refers to the specific version of Kaspersky Scan Engine used in the Docker images. For example

3. Update the configuration file %CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIRECTORY%/klScanEngineUI.xml:

Uncomment the following lines:

<!-- For Docker integration -->

Set the mode:

  • For HTTP mode: <Mode>httpd</Mode>
  • For ICAP mode: <Mode>icap</Mode>

4. Run the Kaspersky Scan Engine Docker container as shown below:

  • For HTTP mode:

    docker run -d -p 8080:8443 -p 8085:9998
    -v %CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/configs
    -v %LICENSE_FILE_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/lic
    -v %KEY_FILE_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/key
    -v %LOGS_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/logs
    -v %SYSLOGS_DIRECTORY%:/var/log/kaspersky
    --name KSE_HTTPD kaspersky/scanengine_httpd:%KSE_VERSION%
  • For ICAP mode:

    docker run -d -p 8080:8443 -p 8086:1344
    -v %CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/configs
    -v %LICENSE_FILE_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/lic
    -v %KEY_FILE_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/key
    -v %LOGS_DIRECTORY%:/tmp/scanengine/mounted/logs
    -v %SYSLOGS_DIRECTORY%:/var/log/kaspersky
    --name KSE_ICAPD kaspersky/scanengine_icapd:%KSE_VERSION%

In the command above:

  • %CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIRECTORY% is the host directory that contains the configuration files.
  • %LICENSE_FILE_DIRECTORY% is the host directory that contains the key file or activation code.
  • %KEY_FILE_DIRECTORY% is the host directory that contains the kl_scanengine_db.key file. Remove this if you did not enable Kaspersky Scan Engine GUI.
  • %LOGS_DIRECTORY% is the host directory for log files. Remove this if you did not enable logging to a mounted directory.
  • %SYSLOGS_DIRECTORY% is the host directory for syslog files. Remove this if you did not enable Syslog logging to a mounted directory.
  • %KSE_VERSION% is the version of Kaspersky Scan Engine used in Docker images. For example,

Ensure all users have write access to %LOGS_DIRECTORY% and %SYSLOGS_DIRECTORY%. This is required because the Kaspersky Scan Engine does not have root privileges within the container.

5. Configure the module:

  • For HTTP mode:
    • URL: http://localhost:8085
  • For ICAP mode:
    • Server: localhost
    • Port: 8086

Module Information

Latest version release:
1.0.1 - July 19, 2024
Lucas Bartholemy
HumHub 1.16 - 1.17