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Synchronizes memberships, donors or crowdfunders with Humhub's users

Synchronizes memberships, donors or crowdfunders with Humhub's users.

For French associations using services.


  • Automatic retrieval of HelloAsso users data via their API
  • Automatic detection of the Humhub's user corresponding to the HelloAsso's user
  • For administrators: a page containing the list of HelloAsso members with the corresponding users on Humhub
  • Ability to synchronize Humhub groups (and their default spaces) with users who are up-to-date with their payment on HelloAsso (e.g. users who paid their membership for the current year are member of a specific group) (1)
  • Export HelloAsso users and payers with related Humhub users and profile
  • Manually added members on HelloAsso will also be retrieved

(1) Users who are Admin of one of the group's default spaces are not removed from the group.


  • €45 including one-year of updates and support
  • €25 each year for updates and support

You can purchase your license key on the CUZY.APP online store.

Support, questions & feature requests


  • Go to the module settings
  • To select other groups allowed to administrate HelloAsso, check the group permissions.

In your HelloAsso form, you should add (if not exists) a required:

  • email field
  • first name field
  • last name field
  • date of birth field (optional, useful for homonyms)

Edit your form -> tab "Informations complémentaires" -> button "Ajouter une information" -> "Intitulé de l'information": Email, Nom, Prénom and Date de naissance -> "Type de réponse souhaitée": Texte court or Date for the birthday field -> select "Information obligatoire"


PHP must have curl extension.


If sync doesn't work, check errors in the logs (Administration -> Information -> Logging).

If you have errors related to the connexion with the API, on HelloAsso website administration, try removing the API keys and create new ones.

Module Information

45 €
Latest version release:
1.3.3 - May 17, 2024
HumHub 1.12 - 1.16