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Mass User Import

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Designed for large organizations the module allows you to import users in bulk via CSV file.

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Streamline the process of adding multiple users to your network with the Mass User Import Module. Designed for large organizations, communities, or educational institutions, the module allows you to import users in bulk via CSV file. Save time and effort with automated user account creation, role assignment, and welcome email notifications.

Key Features:

  • Bulk Import: Import hundreds or thousands of users at once, reducing manual registration time significantly.
  • Customizable Fields: Map CSV columns to profile fields such as username, email, and custom-created fields.
  • Group Assignment: Automatically assign users to groups and thus spaces during the import process.
  • Email Notifications: Send welcome or activation emails to newly created users immediately after import.
  • Error Handling: Identify and resolve import errors with detailed logs.
  • REST API: Utilize the REST API for enhanced integration and functionality.

Module Information

99 €
Latest version release:
1.2.7 - September 27, 2024
Sebastian Stumpf
Lucas Bartholemy
Julian Harrer
HumHub 1.13 - 1.16