To completely adapt the API documentation after a change, the following steps are necessary.
The Swagger documentation is located in the folder /docs/swagger
, you need to rebuild the html documentation at /docs/html
which is based on the Swagger YAML files.
To create a HTML documentation you need to install the redoc-cli
NPM package.
Build HTML documentation:
cd docs/swagger
Also add examples to the PostMan API request collection located in the folder: /docs/postman
To append endpoints from another module:
1) Add event in the file config.php
of your module the following line:
['class' => 'humhub\modules\rest\Module', 'event' => 'restApiAddRules', 'callback' => ['humhub\modules\your_module\Events', 'onRestApiAddRules']],
2) Implement humhub\modules\your_module\Events::onRestApiAddRules
like this:
public static function onRestApiAddRules()
/* @var humhub\modules\rest\Module $restModule */
$restModule = Yii::$app->getModule('rest');
['pattern' => 'your_module/<objectId:\d+>/user/<userId:\d+>', 'route' => 'your_module/rest/user/add', 'verb' => 'POST'],
3) Create a new controller, for example, here protected/modules/your_module/controllers/rest/UserController.php
namespace humhub\modules\your_module\controllers\rest;
use humhub\modules\rest\components\BaseController;
class UserController extends BaseController
public function actionAdd($messageId, $userId)
return [...];
4) Modify your module initialization in order to avoid errors on CLI mode:
public function init()
if (Yii::$app instanceof \humhub\components\console\Application) {
// Prevents the Yii HelpCommand from crawling all web controllers and possibly throwing errors at REST endpoints if the REST module is not available.
$this->controllerNamespace = 'your_module/commands';