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Sell access to the platform, spaces, groups, events, hidden messages, or physical products.

Sell access to the Platform, Spaces, Groups, Events, Private content, or physical products.

  • Online payment with Stripe or PayPal (single or recurrent via subscriptions).
  • Customer panels: Store, Cart, Checkout, Online payments and Transaction history.
  • Admin panels: Global settings, Vendors, Products, Orders and Transactions.


  • Products:
    • Accesses to the Platform, Groups, Spaces, Events participation (1) or Private content (2)
    • Physical products
  • Store: users can add products to their Cart and process to Checkout
  • Visitors can buy without creating an account (3)
  • Online payment with Stripe, PayPal and other methods (4)
  • Subscriptions (recurring payments):
    • Automatic access removal to the purchased product if the subscription expires
    • If paid with Stripe, renewals are automatically done by recurring payments
    • The renewing price is always the same as the first order, even if the product price changes
  • Discounts codes
  • Notifications (for admins and customers):
    • on order creation or status change
    • after payments (only by email for visitors)
    • before and on subscription expiration
  • Order history for customers with invoices and payment receipts (5)
  • Products, Orders and Transactions admin panels with multiple filters and CSV/Excel export
  • Multiple vendors with different currencies, payment methods (3), PDF templates, group restrictions and Terms of Sales.

(1) On groups, spaces or events having a product restricting their access, a shopping icon will be added to the "Join" or "Participate" button which redirects to the product sheet. After online payment, the user automatically has access to platform, group(s), space(s) or event(s) participation.

(2) A private content is a custom rich text with files to download, passwords, links, etc.

(3) If the guest creates an account later, all orders having the same email or done during the same browser session, are added to the account's order history.

(4) Available payment methods (see more information below):

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Redirection to an external payment page
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Custom method

(5) The customer can download a PDF file (the model is created in the admin panel)

Payment methods

Stripe & PayPal

User steps:

  • He adds products to the cart from the store
  • He completes the checkout page requirements and accepts the Terms of Sales
  • He's redirected to the Stripe checkout page
  • He pay online after choosing the payment method (among the ones enabled in Stripe)
  • He's redirected to HumHub with a custom message depending on the Stripe payment returned state

If a payment is differed, a notification will be sent to the user after a payment status change (the order status is updated automatically).

If a refund is created on Stripe or PayPal dashboard, it is automatically added to the order on HumHub and synced.

On Stripe dashboard, all products and payments created by HumHub have a metadata containing the reference of the product or payment in HumHub that can be searched in the administration.

On PayPal dashboard, all payments created by HumHub have a reference_id field containing the transaction reference on HumHub.

Redirection to an external payment page

Steps are identical to Stripe.

In the settings, you need to provide the external payment page URL.

When the user is redirected to this URL, some params are sent to the page, such as order reference, amount, currency and user's and invoice's data.

You can redirect the user after payment to a custom page on HumHub.

Then, an administrator must manually add the payment in HumHub's administration.

Check & Cash

Instructions will be given to the customer. Once received, an administrator must manually add the transaction to the user's account.

Others payment methods

These methods don't redirect user to page.

After checkout, the payment instructions are displayed to the user (e.g.: "Please make your payment by {paymentMethod} specifying this order reference: {orderReference}").

Then, an administrator must manually add the payment in HumHub's administration.


  • €360 including one-year of updates and support
  • €180 each year for updates and support
  • Possible discount for non-profit organizations or countries with a very low median income

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Support, questions & feature requests


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Module Information

360 €
Latest version release:
2.5.2 - March 20, 2025
HumHub 1.15 - 1.17