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Custom Pages

Create custom pages and widgets and share them with your users. Take advantage of a wide range of editing options, including HTML and Markdown.

Getting Started

Global pages and snippets can be maintained by administrators in Administration -> Custom Pages -> Overview.

Space pages and snippets require additional module installation on space level and can be maintained by space administrators in Space Settings Dropdown -> Custom Pages.

After selecting a target for your new page as for example the Top Navigation, you have to select a content type. On space level the available content types are limited for security reasons.

Most content types provide the following setting which may vary between different targets:

TitlePage link or Snippet title
Page Content or urlE.g. Iframe link or Markdown content
Url shortcutIf your installation supports pretty urls, this page setting can be used to create page urls as
IconPage icons are used for menu link. Snippet icons are displayed beside the title in the snippet head
Sort OrderUsed for ordering your sidebar or navigation
Style ClassThis class will be added to the root of your page or snippet
Only visible for adminsThe page should only be displayed for system or space admin users, this can also be used while concepting a page
Open in new windowThis setting can be used for pages in order to open the page in a new window (tab)


The custom pages module provides a simple template mechanism based on Twig. Templates can be maintained under Administration -> Templates.

Note: In order to use template based pages or snippets on Space level, you'll have to allow the layout for spaces within the general settings of the template.

Note: As of module version 1.10.0, the Twig Sandbox Extension is activated by default and restricts some Twig features. This behavior can be switched off or changed via the configuration. See:


When creating a new template based page or snippet, you have to select a layout template which is used as the base layout of your page. Usually a layout will consist of static elements as for example a headline, subheadline and container elements.

You can add the following static elements to your layout:

TextA simple plain text element
RichtextA Html richtext editor based on TinyMCE
HumHub RichtextThe HumHub Richtext, can be used for mentionings, oembed etc.
ImageImage element
FileRenders a file url (no link etc)
File DownloadRenders a file download link

A very simple layout could look like the following:

 // Some additional styling 

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                {{ headline }}
            <div class="panel-body">
                <div class="abstract">
                    {{ abstract }}
                <div class="abstract">
                    {{ content }}

With a simple text element as headline, a HumHub Richtext as abstract and a container element which allows multiple container items.


A container element can contain one or multiple container items. Container items themselves are based on templates managed under Administration -> Tempaltes -> Container. A container element can either act as container of inline or block elements or just allow a single element. Furthermore a container element can restrict the allowed types of container items.

The following example shows a simple quotation container element with two text elements text and info:

    {{ text }}
<span>{{ info }}</span>

Another container example with a figure and floating text based upon a image image element and figcaption text element:

<figure class="pull-left">
    {{ image }}
<figcaption>{{ figcaption }}</figcaption>

<p> {{ text }}</p>

Module Information

Latest version release:
1.10.15 - February 11, 2025
HumHub 1.16 - 1.17